Well, maybe the Internet isn't broken, but if you are having trouble viewing this site, this is the place where you can get some help. To help you out, I will add notes to this section every time I run across a problem.
If the problem you are having isn't covered here, then the Internet really must be broken. All the same, if you let me know what's happening by sending me some feedback, I'll try to fix the Internet for you.
Here is what I've got so far:
If you are viewing my site on your iPad or iPhone, you may notice that there are no scroll bars, even though the pages are longer than the window. If the screen doesn't scroll with a one-finger drag, you may need to drag with two-fingers. Experienced iPad/iPhone users probably know all about this method of scrolling windows, but it was new to me. There's probably an easy fix for this, but I haven't found it yet. In the mean time, go ahead and give my site the old two-finger salute.
This one's all your fault! How dare you change the zoom level of my carefully designed pages! And come on, do you really think that bulky old 15" CRT display sitting on your desk is still useful? <grin>
Okay, maybe it's sorta my fault. I'm still tweaking things as I go, but some pages may not dynamically adjust to custom zoom and font sizes. For the most part, I have the pages fully functional on any modern size screen, but it's still a work in progress.
Here are some fixes if things don't fit on the page quite right.
This one shouldn't be a problem by itself. I have designed this site to look good on screen resolutions as small as 1024x800. This means that it should work on most modern desktop and laptop computer displays. If it doesn't, it could be because you have set your computer screen resolution or text size to something other than the default. To adjust for this, you can change your Web browser font size or zoom level.
Tablets and smartphones are another matter completely. The site should be usable, but in some cases, it's hard to cram everything into a teeny, tiny screen. Again, changing the Web browser's font size or zoom level should help, if the browser gives you the option.
The site is configured to work on screen resolutions of as small as 1024x800, but all my careful work goes right out the window if your Web browser zoom or font sizes are larger than 100%. Most Web browsers will allow you to change the font size or zoom level of pages. Zooming increases the size of everything on the page, like images or text sizes, as opposed to changing the size of just the text. Most browsers also have a method of resetting the zoom level to 100%.
Zoom levels or font sizes smaller than 100% shouldn't be a problem.
The simple fix is to play with the zoom or font size in your Web browser until things look better. I know it's not your problem, but I haven't figured out a fix yet, so changing the zoom on your side is the only solution. Sorry!
This one isn't my fault... really! It's all the fault of the search engines. You see, most search engines send out little programs that look for publicly available Web pages that they can add to their index. When you search for a term using something like Google, Yahoo or Bing, they look look in their index for pages that contain your search term, instead of having to read the whole Web every time someone searches. Often, they will also store a copy of the pages in the index so that they can quickly show you the page and to highlight the terms you searched for. This is called a "cached page".
Unfortunately, they often rewrite the pages by adding a bar of information at the top of the screen. Basically, they take my carefully crafted Web pages and change the code! As my pages are designed to work in a specific manner, their changes 'break' them. Normally, this isn't a problem, but I am far from normal, or so I have been told.
There is a standard method of telling search engines not to display a cached version of certain Web pages, but alas, as with many Web standards, some organizations don't like to follow standards. As a result, some search engines ignore the request not to cache my site. Never fear, all you have to do is select the non-cached version in the search results, or click on any of the links on my pages, and you will see my site in all its glory.
'Writing and photography define the present by interpreting the past'
For help using this site, please click Help. Thanks, Jim.
©2012 Jim McCullough Page last updated: 2012-09-17