J-Topo Build Steps

Below is just an un-proofed copy of my working notes. I won't vouch for the accuracy or even if it makes sense.

Table of Contents (in build order)

GPSMapEdit Map Setup
Create Contour Lines
Import shape files into GPSMapEdit
Creating the GPS receiver image file
Uploading an image to Mapsource
ToDo Items

GPSMapEdit Map Setup

  1. Create a new map "mp" file.
    • I don't recall how I made the .mp file, but you can just open and clear an existing .mp file.
  2. Edit the map's properties
    • File --> Map Properties
      • Assign a unique, 8-number ID
      • Give the map a Name
      • Datum WGS 84 seems to work, even though the shape files are NAS83. (can't modify this setting)
      • Code page 0
      • Schema American 7-bit
      • TRE size: 1000
      • Max number of objects per TRE area: 1024
      • Map is transparent without background object
      • Zoom Levels

        Zoom Level Bits GPS Zoom MapSource Zoom
        0 24 120 m Under 1.2 km
        1 23 200 m - 300 m 1.2 km - 3 km
        2 22 500 m 3 km - 8 km
        3 21 800 m - 1.2 km 8 km - 12 km
        4 20 2 km 12 km - 30 km
        5 19 3 km 50 km - 120 km
        6 18 5 km - 8 km 120 km - 300 km
        7 17 12 km Over 300 km
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Create Contour Lines

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Import shape files into GPSMapEdit

  1. Expand the shape files to use into point, area and line folders
    • Shape files can be downloaded from:
      • http://ftp2.cits.rncan.gc.ca/pub/bndt/50k_shp_en/
  2. Open GPSMapEdit.
  3. Add the object types skin TXT file:
    • Tools --> Options --> View Tab --> Map Skins
  4. Move the "roundabout" object on level 6 to the top edge of the map.
    • Add veg to delineate the top edge of the map.
  5. Add shapes in apx. the same order as below. Shapes added first may cover those added later, but I need to do more testing.
                      barrier		1c0a	1
                      building p	6402	0
                      camp_p		4800	3  
                      campground_p	4800	3
                      dam_p		5500	3
                      elev_pt_p	6300	3
                      marina_p	4300	3
                      picnic_p	4a00	3
                      runway_p	5905	3
                      seapl_b_p	5900	3
                      silo_p		1600	2
                      ski_cen_p	5300	3
                      tank_p		1700	2
                      tower		6411	3
                      trans_s_p	170e	2
                      wind_de_p	1200	2	
                      toponym		1300	2  ? 1500
                      trailhead	1a01	3
                      Crossing	1f01	2
                      Well		6414	3
                      breakwater	002f	3	
                      bridge		002c	3	
                      cut_l_l		0010	3
                      dam		002d	3	
                      dyke_le_l	002e	3	
                      ferry_r_l	001a	4
                      trans_l_l	0030	3	
                      footbridge	0031  	2	
                      pipeline_l	0028	2
                      roads		0003	3 		(check out using the osm roads from "british_colmbia_highway.shp" file instead)
                      railway_l	0014	3
                      seawall_l	0033	2	
                      wharf_l		0034    3	
                      water_c_l	0018	3
                      sport_t_l	0035	2
                      Track		000f	3
                      Offroad Track	0011	3
                      trail		0016	3
                      li_road_l	0032  	2
                      trans_l_l	003a	3	Transmission line
                      track - trail	000f
                      track - road	0011
                      track - offroad	0012
                      200m		0024	5 5 (label)
                      100m		0022	4 4 (label)
                      20m		0021	1 2 (label)
                      10m		0020	0 0 (label)
                      building a	0013	2
                      builtup_a	0012	2	
                      park_sp_a	0017	3	
                      campground_a	000f	2	
                      cemetery	001a	2
                      cut_a		0010	3	
                      mininga_a	0011	3	
                      dry_riv_a	004c	3	
                      embankm_a	0021	2	
                      exhib_g_a	000b	3	
                      golf course	0018	3
                      rock_le_a	001c	2	
                      runway_a	000e	2
                      sand_a		0053	3
                      trans_s_a	001d	3	
                      water_b_a	0029	5	0029 - lakes, 0029 - Ocean
                      wetland_a	0051	5
                      vegeta_a	0014	2
                      snow		003a	5
                      COMBINED TYPES:
                      lu_yard_a	=	builtup_a
                      tank_a		= 	builtup_a
                      a_cable_l	=	trans_l_l (a_cable_l is the ski lifts)
                      conduit_l	= 	pipeline_l
                      camp_p		=	campground_p
  6. Add the trails from the "british_columbia_highway.shp" cloudmate shape file. (???)
  7. Change label case. (???)
  8. Export the map as a Garmin img file.
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Creating the GPS receiver image file

  1. Copy the TYPE files to the same dir as the img file created in Import shape files into GPSMapEdit.
  2. Write the file with GMapTool to allow them to be joined.
    1. Load the image and TYPE txt files on the Files tab.
    2. Mapset name.
    3. Change map ID to a unique number.
    4. Refresh header date.
    5. Can change the label case if not done in step 5.
  3. Join the file with other map sections with GMapTool.
    • Add the existing Mapset image on the Files tab.
    • Set the output file.
    • Assign a Mapset name.
    • Don't need a mapset FID
  4. Run Sendmap20 to upload the map and typ file to the GPSr.
    • Add the map img and typ files.
    • Type the "Region name:" to show up in the GPSr map list.
      • Not sure what the "Mapset name:" field is. I can't see it in the GPSr, only the region name.
    • Select "Create GMAPSUPP.IMG" or "Upload maps in GPS".
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Uploading an image to Mapsource

Run MapsetToolkit as admin to upload the map and type file to Mapsource.

  1. Need to be admin to write the Mapsource entry to the registry.
  2. Haven't been able to send a gmapsupp compiled with a type file directly to the GPSr yet.
  3. Load an image named xxxxxxxx.img (all numbers).
  4. Set the mapset directory where you want the output.
  5. Give it a Mapset name that shows up in the GPSr and Mapsource.
  6. Assign a Family ID and leave the Product Code at 1.
    • if the Family ID doesn't match the TYP file, the program will adjust it.
  7. Load the TYP file.
  8. Select "Install in Mapsource".
  9. Click start.

Transfer the map from Mapsource to the GPSr.

  1. Select the map area.
    • It will show up on the Map tab.
  2. Transfer to the GPSr.

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ToDo Items

Look at replacing the roads with (http://downloads.cloudmade.com/americas/northern_america/canada/british_columbia)

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